Submit token info

Auro Wallet will display the token assets based on the submitted information by default.

Click here to submit the information.

1. Add token information by updating the token.json file (in the corresponding network). Do not change the order.

// This is an example submission
    "id": "xLpobAxWSYZeyKuiEb4kzHHYQKn6X1vKmFR4Dmz9TCADLrYTD1", // token id
    "address": "B62qmMv99rMLCjnApLERcvof6fP4YD4wqeCXUrFuthHfTNoHbYgmy1i", // token address
    "name": "TEST", // token name
    "symbol": "7UjV6", // token symbol
    "decimal": "6", // token decimal
    "description": "Auro test token in Mainnet", // Optional. token description
    "website":"" // Optional. 

2. Create a folder with the token ID and add your token icon to {networkID}/assets/{tokenID}/icon.png.

  • Icon resolution must be 144x144px.

  • The icon file name must be icon.png.

3. Send token for testing

You can use the Mainnet or testnet for this. The purpose is to test whether the token can be send normally before the merge. Send tokens to the following address for testing:


4. Provide the token contract source code (Optional)

We currently use the fungible token contract. If you modify the contract code, it may cause a mismatch between the token contract and the source code. To prevent this, it is recommended to submit the token contract source code in the PR, so it can be integrated into the build service.

  • Example location: token/{networkID}/assets/xLpobAxWSYZeyKuiEb4kzHHYQKn6X1vKmFR4Dmz9TCADLrYTD1/source

5. Verify Token Ownership

Add the signature of the token.json file submitted or updated in step 1 to the PR comment. This should be signed using the token account.

  • Use the Mina Sign box in test-zkApp.

    • In the Mina Sign module, fill in JSON.stringify(submitContent), sign with the token account, and submit the signed result as a comment.

  • Use client.signMessage from mina-signer with the following code:

    const submitContent = {
      id: "xLpobAxWSYZeyKuiEb4kzHHYQKn6X1vKmFR4Dmz9TCADLrYTD1",
      address: "B62qmMv99rMLCjnApLERcvof6fP4YD4wqeCXUrFuthHfTNoHbYgmy1i",
      name: "TEST",
      symbol: "7UjV6",
      decimal: "6",
      description: "Auro test token in Mainnet",
      website: ""
    const unSignMessage = JSON.stringify(submitContent);
    const client = new Client({ network: "mainnet" });
    const signedMessage = client.signMessage(unSignMessage, tokenPrivateKey);
    // After signed, submit the result in the comment
    // {"field":"10082789485841188200651752083435401189651661935760768844006925598425995295018","scalar":"13559698666955008071097956591497128241909562564253145138590504826423557135826"}

6. Make a PR

Once all steps are completed, create a PR for review.

Last updated