This method is used to call Auro Wallet send payment (current support send MINA ) by zkApp.
interfaceSendPaymentArgs {// to is the target address. require base58 address. readonly to:string// amount is the send amount, with decimal. e.g. 1.1readonly amount:number// option. Auro Wallet also provide advance option to change fee.readonly fee?:number// option.readonly memo?:string}
typeSendTransactionResult= {// broadcast hash, you can query tx info by this hash. hash:string}interfaceProviderErrorextendsError { message:string; // error message. code:number; // error code. data?:unknown; // error body. }Promise<SendTransactionResult | ProviderError>
// successful result.{"hash": "CkpZj7QwDkfzoyPfMiJj9zTC6R41Sbh9fY4yvKsSYM9zjyyTUDwW9"}// user reject.{"code": 1002,"message": "User rejected the request."}// can not get connect address.{"code": 1001,"message": "User disconnect, please connect first."}// params check error. there check addres, amount and fee.{"code": 20003,"message": "Invalid method parameter(s)."}